Views from inside a school shooter drill
Photos and story by Thomas Morcillo
Coral Gables Senior High School
In the aftermath of the Feb. 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Legislature passed a law that requires all public schools in Florida to perform drills for active shooter and hostage situations at least as often as drills for other situations like fires and natural disasters. Similar policies have begun to appear across the nation.
Since the 17 deaths at MSD, there have been 31 school shootings and 71 people injured or killed, escalating a national panic over school safety.
Are these drills effective? Do they do enough for students and school staff? Or do they cause more harm than good?
We reached out to parents, students and teachers in the Miami area to report on the experiences and perspectives of those affected.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Please listen to Thomas describe how and why he approached this story as a photo essay. It’s an audio file at end of story.